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“Beautiful Baroque”: State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus

Date: 28.05.2022 beginning at 17:00
Category: Chorus music

J.S.Bach, J.Сh.Bach, Ch.Th.Pachelbel, H.Schütz, A.Vivaldi, G.F.Handel

To the 85th anniversary of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society


Honored collective of the Republic of Belarus

State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus

Artistic director and conductor – Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Mikhailova

Soloists – Veronika Chernyavskaya soprano

Arina Alekseeva soprano

Pavel Kudrin flute

Nikita Kravets cello

Varvara Tsaryuk harpsichord

Maria Limorova harpsichord

Ivan Finskiy piano

A concert in one department, there is a photo zone, there will be a draw of CDs with audio recordings of the State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus.

«Прекрасное барокко»: Государственный камерный хор Республики Беларусь