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 Year of Improvement

Musical “Cinderella. New Year’s Fantasy”

Date: 25.12.2023 beginning at 14:00
Category: Children music

Musical “Cinderella. NEW YEAR’S FANTASY”

Charles Perrault’s fairy tale about hard-working Cinderella, evil stepmother and lazy sisters is familiar to everyone since childhood, but until now this kind and beautiful story continues to delight and surprise the big and small.

And how can this story be told now, in our days? And even on the eve of the New Year? Of course, in a modern and New Year’s way!

On a fairy-tale New Year’s Eve, the most incredible dreams come true and the most magical miracles happen. The King can turn into Santa Claus for a moment and call to the Prince’s ball the most different princesses from the most different fairy tales. And the Prince will definitely want to break tradition and marry for love - without a dowry and without half a kingdom in addition!

But how all this will happen, you will find out if you watch the new musical “Cinderella. New Year’s Fantasy”, prepared by the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus and its artistic director, People’s Artist of Belarus Valentin Dudkevich.

The creators of the New Year children’s fairy tale invited the Princess on the Pea, Princess Nesmeiana, Fiona, Princess Jasmine and, of course, Cinderella to the holiday. Each of them has her own story of love and beautiful transformation. And no evil Stepmother and Zlyuka and Krivlyaka can prevent the Prince from finding his love and lighting up the Christmas tree.

In the musical “Cinderella. New Year’s Fantasy” a lot of music and dancing, fun and laughter. We invite everyone to a colorful New Year's performance for adults and children.

Мюзикл «Золушка. Новогодняя фантазия»