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“The light of the native home”: Galina Sokolnik (mezzo-soprano)

Date: 07.04.2021 beginning at 19:00
Category: Vocal


laureate of international competitions

Galina Sokolnik mezzo-soprano

In the concert take part:

Natalia Zmitrovich domra

Ekaterina Yukhnova cymbals

Andrey Dergay flute, clarinet

Piano part – Tatiana Lesun

Host – Vyacheslav Pet’ko

Program: G.Gorelova, V.Serykh, A.Bezenson, M.Nosko, V.Zhivalevsky, L.Shurman, etc.

Laureate of international competitions, soloist of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society Galina Sokolnik (mezzo-soprano) presents a new program of vocal and instrumental music “The Light of the Native Home”.

The concert will feature works by famous Belarusian composers G.Gorelova, V.Serykh, A.Bezenson, M.Nosko, V.Zhivalevsky and others.

Many works will be performed for the first time:

– recently written by Alina Bezenson songs “Larks” and “My land” on the poems of Valery Maksimovich, instrumental compositions – “Spring Wind” (for clarinet/flute and piano) and “Folk-tango” (for domra and piano);

– waltz “On the wings of Spring” by Tamara Kornelyuk-Kovalenok to poems by Alexander Kovalenok (from the new collection of romances and songs “Touch”, published just a few months ago).

The concert program includes a beautiful, tender and touching “Prayer” by Galina Chernova to the poems of Tamara Zalesskaya, as well as a sensual romance by Leonid Shurman “You Remember Me” to the poems of Valentin Semenyako.

A surprise for the audience will be the performance of the Belarusian folk song “Pra Kavalya” arranged for voice and Belarusian duda.

Share with us the joy of a spring April evening in a unique atmosphere of beauty and harmony!

«Свет родного дома»: Галина Сокольник (меццо-сопрано)