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+375 17 396-16-17

Booking tickets
 Year of Improvement

“New Year in Jazz Tones”: National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.Zhinovich

Date: 27.12.2024 beginning at 19:00
Category: Popular music

jazz and pop compositions, music from favorite movies

An additional concert will take place on January 15, 2025.


National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.Zhinovich

Chief Conductor – Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus

Alexander Kremko

Igor Zadorozhny

Anastasia Rachitskaya

Music School of Veronika Yanovskaya “Artvocal”

Ensemble “So-Bytie

«Новый год в джазовых тонах»: Национальный академический народный оркестр Республики Беларусь им. И.Жиновича