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“My Nightingale Song of Spring”: to the 20th anniversary of the creative activity of Lyudmila Kirilenko

Date: 24.04.2024 beginning at 19:00
Category: Folk music

XXXIX Festival of Music “Minsk Spring – 2024”


Concert to the 20th anniversary of the creative activity of Lyudmila Kirilenko, soloist of the Honoured Collective of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian State Folk Music Ensemble “Svyata”

The concert is attended by:

artists of the Honoured Collective of the Republic of Belarus Belarusian State Folk Music Ensemble “Svyata”

Artistic Director – Vyacheslav Statkevich

The concert is attended by:

laureates of republican and international competitions

Ekaterina Bulatovskaya

Svetlana Baidak

Anton Prokoptsov

Bogdan Mishkin

Folk Amateur Dulcimer Ensemble “Belorusochka” of the Minsk State Musical College named after M.I.Glinka

Director – Tatyana Suschenya

Honoured Amateur Ensemble of the Republic of Belarus Folk Ensemble “Dudariki”

Director – Dmitry Rovensky

Director – Vyacheslav Statkevich

«Весны моей соловьиная песня»: к 20-летию творческой деятельности Людмилы Кириленко