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Musical fairy-tale about Good and Evil “A Magic Tree of Knowledge”

Date: 26.03.2019 beginning at 11:00
Category: Children music

Musical fairy-tale about Good and Evil



In a Fairy Kingdom everything is as usual – the Princess is arguing with her mum, the Queen and the Marquis is trying to please everyone…One day the Princess saw a night dream where the witch Maleficent captivates a magic tree of knowledge for its fruit not to be given to people. Only two person can save the tree of good and knowledge and win the Wicked Witch, these two person – are a pair of lovers.

This is a classical fairy-tale about magic, where true friendship and love will win Evil. During the play one will see astonishing adventures, miraculous transformations, sword fighting and many other interesting moments!


Composer – Vladimir Savchik

Screenplay, stage director – Tatiana Mozhar

Performers – laureates and diploma holders of international and national competitions, soloists of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society:

Queen – Svetlana Evtukh soprano

Princess – Angelina Mozhar soprano

Marquis – Vladislav Danilovich baritone

Maleficent – Svetlana Starodetko soprano

Minstrel – Vladimir Kozin guitar, vocals

Fairy – Anna Yankovskaya soprano

Музыкальная сказка о Добре и Зле "Волшебное древо познания"