1.1. These Rules of Visiting the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society (hereinafter – the Rules) regulate the relations between the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society and a citizen when attending a cultural and entertainment event held in the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society.
1.2. While in the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, citizens shall treat property with care, observe these Rules, public order and fire safety rules.
1.3. The Belarusian State Philharmonic Society does not have a strict dress code, but clothing must meet socially accepted moral and ethical standards. It is not allowed to visit the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society wearing sports shirts, shorts and slippers, swimming costume details.
1.4. Entrance to the building of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society is possible only with an admission ticket or other document giving the right to attend the event (invitation ticket), presented to the administrator or controller at the entrance.
1.5. In order to ensure security and identify items prohibited to be brought into the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, security guards inspect hand luggage (backpacks, large-sized bags, packages, items) at the entrance.
1.6. The admission of spectators to the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society begins 45 minutes, and in winter time 60 minutes before the start time of the cultural and entertainment event indicated on the admission ticket.
1.7. Citizens are informed by three bells about the beginning of the cultural and entertainment event and the need to take their seats. The entrance to the auditorium opens after the first bell.
1.8. The means of mobile communication and security alarms shall be switched off or switched to silent mode for the duration of the cultural and entertainment event.
1.9. All cases of detection of suspicious objects and things, conflict situation, smoke or fire, as well as other emergency situations shall be immediately reported to the administrators, security officer.
1.10. In case of loss of things, citizens shall address to the administrators, security officer.
If the found lost thing does not pose a threat the administrator makes an inventory of the thing and leaves it for temporary storage for a period not exceeding 6 months. In order to receive the lost thing, the citizen must describe the thing in detail in the application, the date and time of its loss, other relevant circumstances. The found lost thing is handed over to the citizen after he/she confirms the belonging of this thing.
1.11. Outer clothes shall be handed over to the cloakroom.
Hand luggage (rucksacks, large-sized bags, bags, items) is handed in to the cloakroom, except for small personal belongings, briefcases and handbags.
A citizen who has lost his/her number plate shall receive his/her clothes handed over to the cloakroom after all the clothes are handed over to the cloakroom according to the number plates and provided the description of the clothes handed over to the cloakroom and the clothes left in the cloakroom coincide. After the end of the cultural and entertainment event, the cloakroom is open for 60 minutes.
1.12. Children under 3 years of age are not allowed to attend evening cultural and entertainment events.
Children under 3 years of age are allowed to attend children’s musical performances and New Year’s Eve performances free of charge if accompanied by an adult.
Children from 3 years of age are allowed only if they have a separate admission ticket for cultural and entertainment events and are accompanied by an adult.
1.13. The order of giving flowers and gifts to artists before the concert is agreed with the administrator.
1.14. Citizens who are late for the beginning of the concert with entrance tickets for seats in the parterre of the auditorium until the first intermission occupy free seats (if any) in the mezzanine or in the balcony, regardless of the seats indicated in the tickets. It is possible to occupy seats in the parterre only during the intermission.
2.1. While attending a cultural and entertainment event, it is prohibited:
2.1.1. Enter or be in a state of alcoholic intoxication or a state caused by the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues, toxic or other intoxicating substances.
2.1.2. Carry any types of weapons (firearms, cold, gas, etc.), ammunition, their imitators and moulages, special means (gas cans, electroshock devices, spark arrestors, etc.), flammable substances and pyrotechnics, as well as specially made or adapted items, the use of which may pose a threat to the life and health of citizens or cause material damage to citizens and organisations.
2.1.3. Carry out propaganda of war, extremist activities, violence, cruelty and pornography, including with the use of posters, banners and other means, perform actions (shouting, displaying signs and/or symbols, etc.) aimed at inciting hostility/hate on the grounds of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation, as well as political orientation, threaten public safety, life and health of citizens, as well as incite others to such actions by any method.
2.1.4. Drink alcoholic, low-alcoholic beverages, beer in places not provided for this purpose.
2.1.5. Take narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues, toxic or other intoxicating substances.
2.1.6. To bring into the auditorium large-sized objects, sports equipment, flags and flagpoles, balloons and/or figures inflated with helium or other gases, any devices with laser radiation, as well as other things and objects that interfere with the audience and artists.
2.1.7. To use flags, pennants not registered in accordance with the established procedure, as well as emblems, symbols, posters and banners, the content of which is aimed at causing harm to public order, rights and legitimate interests of citizens.
2.1.8. To smoke in places not intended for smoking.
2.1.9. To walk with animals.
2.1.10. To take in hands, open or move suspicious objects, ownerless or forgotten things. In case of their discovery it is necessary to immediately inform the administrator, security officer.
2.1.11. Enter the auditoriums in outer clothing or bring it into the auditorium.
2.1.12. Leaving minor children unattended.
2.1.13. Wearing dirty clothes that may contaminate the clothes of other spectators or the seats of the auditorium.
2.1.14. To occupy seats other than those indicated on the admission tickets without the agreement of the administrators, to stand up and walk around unnecessarily during the concert, to litter, make noise, talk loudly, including on a mobile phone, to perform other actions that interfere with other spectators while watching the concert.
2.1.15. Take photos or video of the concert or its fragments with a video camera, mobile phone or other recording device without the consent of the administration of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society.
2.2. Citizens who do not comply with these Rules are not allowed to enter the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, or they may be removed from the building of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society without reimbursement of the admission ticket price.
3.1. Accreditation of mass media journalists to visit the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society is mandatory and is carried out in accordance with Article 35 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 427–Z of 17 July 2008 “On Mass Media”.
3.2. Journalists of mass media registered in the territory of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the procedure established by law, as well as journalists of foreign mass media accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus have the right to accreditation.
3.3. Accreditation is carried out through the Department of Information and Public Relations by sending a relevant request by mail: 220005, Minsk, 50 Nezavisimosti Ave. or by e-mail reception@bgf.by, kancel@bgf.by, inform@bgf.by or by telephone +375 (17) 276 76 22, +375 (17) 353 55 51.
3.4. The Head of the Department of Information and Public Relations or an employee authorised by him may refuse to accredit a journalist of a mass media outlet if it is impossible to ensure optimal conditions for the professional activities of journalists in the premises of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, as well as in cases where the presence of journalists may interfere with the work process. In this case, a written or verbal refusal of the accreditation request is sent and other options of interaction may be offered.
4.1. The sale of entrance tickets is carried out:
- at the box offices of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society;
- at ticket operators;
- through authorised individuals;
- via the official website of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society https://philharmonic.by with the help of the partner website https://tce.by.
4.2. Only one person can attend a cultural and entertainment event with one admission ticket.
4.3. When attending a cultural and entertainment event on the basis of a printed admission ticket purchased electronically, the citizen is considered to have entered when the ticket is first presented and (or) scanned by the controller. Tickets with an identical barcode are not legally valid.
4.4. An admission ticket with corrections is considered invalid. If the admission ticket is damaged or lost, the spectators are not allowed to attend the cultural and entertainment event, the ticket price is not refunded, and no duplicate is issued.
The admission ticket cannot be exchanged.
4.5. Booking of entrance tickets is carried out:
- via the official website of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society https://philharmonic.by by placing an order with the help of the partner website https://tce.by;
- at the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society’s box offices by phone numbers specified on the official website of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society.
4.6. Booking of entrance tickets via the partner website https://tce.by is carried out in accordance with the general rules posted on this website.
The ticket form located on the order page must be printed out independently in order to be admitted to the cultural and entertainment event.
4.7. When booking admission tickets at the cash desks of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, the surname and first name of the citizen shall be indicated.
4.8. A citizen may book no more than 10 entrance tickets at a time.
4.9. Booking of entrance tickets by legal entities, which are paid by bank transfer, is carried out by the Ticket Sales Department.
4.10. Booked entrance tickets must be redeemed within 3 calendar days, otherwise the reservation will be cancelled.
4.11. Reservation of entrance tickets is cancelled 1 calendar day before the start of the cultural and entertainment event.
4.12. 1 calendar day before the start of the cultural and entertainment event the reserved but not redeemed admission tickets go on general sale.
5.1. Admission tickets may be returned:
- on the initiative of a citizen, legal entity;
- in case of change of the announced time (term) and (or) place of the cultural and entertainment event;
- in case of replacement of a cultural and entertainment event with another one;
- in case of change in the composition of the participants of the cultural and entertainment event;
- in case of cancellation of the cultural and entertainment event;
- in case of cancellation of the cultural and entertainment event.
5.2 .Entrance tickets are returned on the initiative of a citizen, legal entity not later than 1 (one) calendar day before the day of the cultural and entertainment event on his application for return.
In this case, 75 per cent of the cost of the admission ticket is refunded. The commission fee of electronic ticket operators, commission fee for booking an admission ticket and other expenses not included in the ticket price are not subject to refund.
5.3. In case of change of the announced time (terms) and (or) place of the cultural and entertainment event, its replacement by another cultural and entertainment event, change in the composition of the participants of the cultural and entertainment event, the citizen, legal entity has the right to choose either to return the admission ticket or to attend this cultural and entertainment event on the basis of the existing admission ticket.
In these cases, the citizen, legal entity applies for a refund of the cost of the admission ticket no later than the date of the cultural and entertainment event.
The refund of the cost of the admission ticket is made in full (excluding the commission fee of electronic ticket operators, commission fee for booking the admission ticket and other expenses not included in the cost of the ticket) not later than 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of submission of the application for refund.
5.4. The cancellation of the cultural and entertainment event is carried out due to:
- death or illness of a member of the artistic team or an individual performer who was to take part in the cultural and entertainment event;
- refusal of a member of the artistic group or an individual performer to take part in the cultural and entertainment event;
- inability of the artistic group or individual performer to arrive at the venue of the cultural and entertainment event without the possibility of their replacement by other artistic groups or individual performers;
- economic inexpediency of the cultural and entertainment event (if the income from the sale of admission tickets to the event does not cover the current costs associated with the event, or the occupancy rate of the stage area is less than 15 per cent of its designed capacity);
- on other grounds recognised by the structural subdivision for culture as important.
In case of refusal to hold the event, a citizen, legal entity shall apply for the refund of the cost of admission ticket not later than 3 (three) calendar days after the proposed holding of the cultural and entertainment event.
In case of cancellation, the refund of the entrance ticket price is made in full (excluding the commission fee of electronic ticket operators, commission fee for booking the entrance ticket and other expenses not included in the ticket price) not later than 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of submission of the application for refund.
5.5. The cancellation of a cultural and entertainment event is carried out in case of force majeure circumstances that make it impossible to hold the cultural and entertainment event.
Force majeure means military risks, state of emergency, natural disasters, natural or man-made disasters, terrorist acts or threat of terrorist acts, epidemics, epizootics, pandemics and (or) related bans or restrictions, closure of state borders.
In case of cancellation of a cultural and entertainment event, a citizen or a legal entity may apply for a refund of the admission ticket price not later than 30 (thirty) calendar days after the termination of force majeure.
The refund of the cost of the entrance ticket in case of cancellation is made in full (excluding the commission fee of electronic ticket operators, commission fee for booking the entrance ticket and other expenses not included in the cost of the ticket) not later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of application for the refund of the cost of the entrance ticket.
5.6. The refund of entrance tickets paid by legal entities by bank transfer and received on delivery note is made by the Ticket Sales Department.
5.7. The refund of the cost of the entrance ticket purchased by bank transfer is made to the current (settlement) bank account of a citizen or a legal entity.
5.8. The original entrance tickets purchased at the box office, from official representatives or a printed electronic ticket are subject to refund.
Tickets purchased electronically can be sent to the e-mail address of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society.
5.9. Application for refund of the price of the entrance ticket shall be made in writing in the form published on the official website of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society.
In case the ticket purchased electronically is sent to the electronic address of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, the application is sent by post.
The rules of visiting the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society are approved by the order of the General Director No.82OD dated 25 October 2024.