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 Year of Improvement

Concert cycle “Masterpieces of World Organ Art”: Jean-Pierre Steijvers (Netherlands)

Date: 14.10.2022 beginning at 19:00
Category: Organ

I department

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

– Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 537

– “Dies sind die heilgen zehen Gebot”, BWV 678 from the “Organ Mass”

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809–1847)

– Sonata No.2 in C Minor, Op.65/2

Grave – Adagio

Allegro maestoso e vivace

Fuga – Allegro moderato

Oleg Yanchenko (1939–2002)

– Méditation

II department

Josef Reinberger (1839–1901)

Passacaglia from Organ Sonata No.8, Op.132

Louis Vierne (1870–1937)

Adagio from Symphony No.3, Op.28

Johann Sebastian Bach

Contrapunctus VIII from “The Art of the Fugue”, BWV 1080

Lionel Rogg (*1936)

– Fantasia and fugue on BACH (in Romantic style)

Molto moderato

Allegro deciso


Allegretto amabile

Andante cantabile

Fugue – Andante sostenuto


Concert cycle “Masterpieces of the World Organ Art “

Principal Organist of the Limburger Symphoniker

Titular organist at St Christopher’s Cathedral and Carolus Cappella in Ruhrmond (Netherlands)

Laureate of international competitions

Jean-Pierre Steijvers (Netherlands)

Musicologist – Candidate of Arts Olga Savitskaya


Цикл концертов «Шедевры мирового органного искусства»: Жан-Пьер Стайверс (Нидерланды)