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+375 17 396-16-17

Booking tickets
 Year of Improvement

“Song Gathers Friends!”

Date: 17.02.2024 beginning at 15:00
Category: Chorus music

choral and instrumental music of Russian and foreign classical composers, modern composers, arrangements of folk songs

Belarusian Union of Musical Workers


Exemplary chamber choir “We are conductors!” of the Children‘s Music School of Arts No.4 in Minsk

Artistic director – Ioann Kozic

Bayan and accordion orchestra “Allegria” of the Children‘s Music School of Arts No.5 in Minsk

Artistic director – Natalya Karpova

Choir of junior classes “Vasilki” of the Smolevichi Children‘s Art School

Artistic director – Svetlana Sulimova

Ensemble “Brillance” of Secondary School No.207 in Minsk

Artistic director – Mikhail Kasyanov

Sergey Belozertsev (violin)

Exemplary choir “Friendship” of Secondary School No.1 in Minsk named after V.P.Chkalov

Artistic director – Olga Doshchechko

Author of the project and director – Svetlana Savelyeva

«Песня собирает друзей!»