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 Year of Improvement

“Favorites Fairy Tales with Music. Korney Chukovsky”

Date: 26.03.2025 beginning at 11:00
Category: Children music

During the school spring holidays

Musical programme for children


We have known Kornei Chukovsky’s fairy tales since childhood. More than one generation of children grew up on the fascinating and instructive stories about Moydodyr, Dr Aibolit, Mukha-Tsokotukha and others.

The Philharmonic Society for Children and Youth presents a new format of reading the favourite fairy tales of Kornei Chukovsky – with live music performed by laureates of international competitions, professional musicians, soloists of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society with the use of video fragments based on the fairy tales of the favourite children’s writer!

The programme will feature:

Svetlana Yevtukh (soprano)

Galina Sokolnik (mezzo-soprano)

Maxim Obrovets (baritone)

Piano part – laureate of international competitions Sergey Voynitsky

Presenter – musicologist Daria Vitko

«Любимые сказки под музыку. Корней Чуковский»