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 Year of Improvement

Festive concert dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas

Date: 03.11.2022 beginning at 19:00
Category: Folk music

Festive concert dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas


National Academic Folk Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.Zhinovich

Soloists – Anastasia Rachitskaya, Igor Zadorozhny, Andrei Kolosov

Honoured collective of the Republic of Belarus

State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus

Artistic Director and Conductor – Honoured Artist of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Mikhailova

Soloists – Arina Alexeeva soprano

Veronika Chernyavskaya soprano

Yekaterina Kroshchuk mezzo-soprano

Conductors – Honoured Artists of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Mikhailova and Alexander Kremko

Host – Olga Brilon


Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas are not only classics of Belarusian literature and outstanding masters of the word, they are names – symbols of national culture. The fate of Belarusian literature and its development in the world cultural space are directly connected with the personalities of the poets.

Kupala and Kolas became the exponents of national identity, character and mentality. For more than four decades, poets have walked shoulder to shoulder, created and dedicated essays and critical articles to each other. Having close creative and friendly ties, Kupala and Kolas turned out to be very different in creative manner: each has its own style, poetics and imaginative sphere.

The phenomenon of the “literary couple” has attracted researchers in the field of artistic expression for many years, and poetry remains relevant today, receiving musical embodiment in the works of Belarusian composers.

Especially for the 140th anniversary of the birth of Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas, the National Academic folk orchestra of the Republic of Belarus named after I.Zhinovich and the State Chamber Choir of the Republic of Belarus have prepared a festive program dedicated to great contemporaries.

The works of Alexey Turenkov, Igor Luchenok, Vladimir Mulyavin, Oleg Molchan, Valery Ivanov, Elena Atrashkevich and other famous domestic composers inspired by the poetic texts of Kolas and Kupala will be performed. Instrumental music, popular songs, choral romances, an excerpt from the rock opera “Guslyar”, treatments of Belarusian folk melodies – all the compositions selected for the program brilliantly reflect the images of the high poetry of the songwriters and the beauty of Belarusian folklore.

Soloists of the orchestra and choir Andrey Kolosov, Igor Zadorozhny, Anastasia Rechitskaya, Veronika Chernyavskaya, Arina Alekseeva and Ekaterina Kroschuk will perform famous songs based on poems by Kolas and Kupala.

The conductors are Honored artists of the Republic of Belarus Natalia Mikhailova and Alexander Kremko.

The concert's host is musicologist Olga Brilon.

*Before the concert, expositions of the State Literary-Commemorative Museum of Yakub Kolas and the State Literary Museum of Janka Kupala will be organized in the foyer of the Great Hall of the Belarusian State Philharmonic, as well as an exhibition and sale from the Academic book dedicated to the life and work of Belarusian classics.

Праздничный концерт к 140-летию со дня рождения Я.Купалы и Я.Коласа