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“Masterpieces of World Opera”: State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus, soloists – Irina Kuchinskaya, Eliya Francis, conductor – Michel El Murr

Date: 11.07.2024 beginning at 19:00
Category: Symphonic music


State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus

Chief conductor – People’s Artist of Belarus Alexander Anisimov

Soloists – Irina Kuchinskaya (soprano)

Eliya Francis (tenor)

Conductor – Michel El Murr


On July 11, in the Big Concert Hall of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society, the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus will present the program “Masterpieces of World Opera” to the audience. This evening, the orchestra and invited soloists will perform everyone’s favorite arias and overtures from the world famous operas of Verdi, Puccini, Donizetti, Mascagni and others.

The concert will be attended by the soloist of the National Academic Bolshoi Theater of Opera and Ballet of the Republic of Belarus, laureate of international competitions Irina Kuchinskaya and, for the first time in Minsk, representatives of the cultural center of Lebanon “Selecteum des Arts et des Sciences” will perform – soloist, laureate of international competitions Eliya Francis and conductor Michel El Murr.

«Шедевры мировой оперы»: Государственный академический симфонический оркестр Республики Беларусь, солисты – Ирина Кучинская, Элиа Франсис, дирижёр – Мишель Эль Мурр