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 Year of Improvement

Concert-dedication to the 55th anniversary of Evgenia Diaghileva’s teaching activity

Date: 28.02.2024 beginning at 18:00
Category: Chorus music

Concert-dedication to the 55th anniversary of Evgenia Diaghileva’s teaching activity

Taking part in the concert:

Honored collective of the Republic of Belarus

State Academic Choir of the Republic of Belarus named after G.Shirma

Chief conductor – Olga Yanum

Concert Choir of the Minsk State Music College named after M.I.Glinka

Artistic director – Alexey Snitko

art group “Belarusy

Artistic director – Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Valery Shmat

vocal ensemble “So-Bytiye of the school of contemporary vocal art by Veronica Yanovskaya

laureate of international competitions and festivals

chamber choir “Salutaris” of the public association "Belarusian Union of Musical Workers"

Chief conductor – Olga Yanum

Honored Artists of the Republic of Belarus

Vasily Braim, Natalya Tamelo

laureates of republican and international competitions

Jamilya Amandurdyeva, Olga Shevchenko

Концерт-посвящение к 55-летию педагогической деятельности Евгении Дягилевой