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The ensemble of soloists “Classic-Avantgarde”: “Music of Polish cabaret”

Date: 18.10.2018 beginning at 19:00
Category: Chamber music



The ensemble of soloists “Classic-Avantgarde”

Artistic director and conductor – Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Baidov


The interwar twentieth in Poland is a time of special activity of creative wheels. It was then that the cabaret, a new genre for Poland, was at the peak of popularity. From the first elite clubs for Bohemian to the big stage, where the pre-war audience first heard songs that later grew with the main hits, and also sang and sat on the streets.

The musicians invite you to plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of the old Polish cabarets together with the legendary composers of this time - Jerzy Petersbursky, Heinrich Wars, brothers Gold, Andrzej Wlast, Fanny Gordon.



Ансамбль солистов "Классик-авангард"